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How to effectively prepare and lead meetings

„If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be – „meetings.“

Dave Barry

Although the author of the quote from the beginning of this text is a columnist who most often writes humorous texts, it is easy to agree that meetings are really not an effective way of running a business… if they are not done properly.

Here are some tips that have proven to be the key to running sessions and meetings effectively. You may already be applying some tips, but check which ones you could use to complete your practice and achieve even greater efficiency.


Set the agenda

The agenda of each session or meeting consists of a series of items (eg. procurement of new machinery) and sub-items (eg. budget for the procurement of new machinery).

In preparation for the meeting, be sure to define:

  • the title of the agenda item,
  • rapporteur for each item on the agenda,
  • status of the agenda item (eg. proposed, approved, adopted, not adopted, postponed),
  • all of the above mentioned and for agenda sub-items.

Prepare all materials

With each item and sub-item it is good to have prepared documents, pictures, videos or a presentation. These materials help participants to follow the meetings more actively (which often take a very long time) and make decisions more easily.


Keep minutes of the agenda

During the meeting/session, all participants present their agenda items and comment on them at the same time. At the end of the discussion on each item, the participants make a decision by voting.


Divide tasks and the minutes immediately

As soon as the session is over, deliver all materials (documents, pictures, videos, presentations), including detailed session minutes, simultaneously to all participants in the session.

Remember to disable the editing of materials and session minutes to prevent information from being altered.

Simultaneously with the conclusion of the session, it is ideal to immediately distribute the tasks to the participants. Although tasks were agreed at the session and are entered within the minutes, it is good to exclude these tasks and send them separately to each participant.

Transfer sessions to the digital sphere

​When everything mentioned above is added up, there are a lot of tasks included, which are often not distributed to many people. Squeezing over time reduces concentration and increases the possibility of error, and with the number of items and the amount of documentation, the number of hours required for the whole process increases proportionally.

Unless you transfer it completely to the digital realm.

For example, BoardPoint is an application that can be run in any web browser and in one place:

set the agenda with the corresponding items and sub-items,

enclose all materials in the highest quality, equally visible to all,

keep minutes and announce in real time the status of agenda items (approved, adopted…), as well as the results of voting with the corresponding tasks,

distribute materials including minutes and decisions.

In addition, no matter where you are, you can actively participate in the session via any device, without any physical document, and all notes and additional content (voting results, decisions made, enforcement of decisions) are in one place.

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