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Tackle the challenge of resourcing your process improvements

Involve the right people. Recruit and train new starters, or engage existing team members in your improvement efforts. Or both.

People drive process improvement

Buy-in from business teams is critical if organizations plan to capture, review, update and share processes that teams actually use.

Having the right people on board can mean the difference between success and failure. Teams that are empowered with the time and resources to nurture continuous improvement efforts, can effect real change.

The right resources can scale hurdles

Be selective about who contributes to your process improvement efforts. For a mindset of continuous process improvement to really take root and become part of your organization’s DNA, you’ll need to involve the right people. With the contributions of engaged, empowered people who are focused on process improvement, you could avoid the following challenges:

A lack of in-house knowledge

If you’ve deployed Nintex Promapp through a contractor or third party, you’ll need people inhouse who can carry the baton and urge others to join them on the process improvement journey.

A lack of clear expectations

Set achievable goals for staff to prevent out-of-date processes from creeping in, and encourage front-line teams to review processes and provide feedback.

Siloed usage

Involve teams across the entire business to prevent the use of your business process management software being restricted to silos.

Frozen progress

Provide support for your teams at the process mapping stage. Stalling at this point could prevent your teams from embedding continuous improvement into your business-as-usual activities.

No regular comms or progress updates

Out of sight means out of mind. Raise the importance of your process improvement efforts by sharing information and communicating frequently.

How to get the right people on board

Have the right people on the ground at every level of your organization, to optimize your chance of process improvement success. That might mean either recruiting and training new people, or converting existing team members and managers to your cause – or a mix of both. All of that, of course, costs money.

So how do you convince the rest of the business to get on board?

Take these steps so your process improvement rollout benefits from having the right people on the team:

Step 1: Create a business case

Put together a compelling business case to present to the budget holder, backed up with real evidence.

To achieve this, you can:

  1. Go back to the ‘why’ – Starting here may help you discover the ammunition you need for more resource. Why was Nintex Promapp implemented? Why did processes need to be documented? What was the future state and does it need updating?
  2. Identify the right decision maker – Do they have budget authority? If not, can they influence the ones who do? Will they be an advocate for your proposal?
  3. Highlight the issue – Explain what you’ve already tried and implemented, and why effective process improvement is critical.
  4. Paint a picture of what will happen if nothing changes – What impact would abandoning this initiative have on the future success of the organization? Be as specific and evidence-based as you can.
  5. Share the ideal end-goal and how to get there – Present ideas to solve the problem and outline a realistic outcome. Here’s an example of a threepart solution you could present:
    • Use interns or contractors – a cost-effective short-term solution
    • Create fixed-term secondments from other departments – a medium-term solution that upskills employees, while resourcing the process improvement project with staff who are already familiar with your business
    • Bring in new employees with the right skill set – this longer-term option can effect real change and keep knowledge within the business
  6. Identify pain points – Would these be eliminated or reduced if more time was spent on documenting and optimizing the processes?
  7. Back your case with stats – Quantify the current-state and the impact your increased resources would have. Be specific and clear about what you’re asking for.
  8. Tailor the business case to what matters to your decision maker – State the impact on their department or pet project if more resources are not allocated.
  9. Hitch your business case to company initiatives and strategies – Tie in your original process improvement strategy to these points for better reception of your proposal. Try to reference specific examples wherever possible.

Step 2: Build momentum

Once your business case has been thought through and written down, you should be clearer on the best way to improve resourcing for your process improvement efforts.

But the immediate next steps may not be as obvious, and the time may not be right to approach your executive team.

Here are 8 ways you can build momentum and steer your organization in the direction of improvement success:


Play the long game

This process will require some strategic thinking. Just like campaigning for votes, you may need to lay the groundwork and raise support for your cause over time. Ideally this is done before you present your business case, to allow time for buy-in to build around you.


Identify your advocates

Whether your ambassadors come in the form of exec sponsors, CEOs, senior managers or process improvement champions with some successes under their belts, these advocates are powerful weapons. They can help you in all sorts of ways, from promoting your cause to winning over those who are still resistant. Each manager and each department that advocates on your behalf will help to build the support you need for more resources to achieve the end goal. The aim should be to organically turn the entire company into your BPM support network.


Promote your cause

Ensure regular, visible updates so the impact of process improvement with Nintex Promapp is felt everywhere. This will create subliminal reinforcement and keep process improvement front-of-mind, particularly with the exec sponsor, senior management team and anyone with budget decision-making clout. Raise the profile of people taking on a continuous improvement role so that their opinions become more influential, especially if decision-makers are likely to ask what they think.


Promote the progress you have already made

Analyse the benefits your organization has already seen. Calculate the KPIs, if possible, and use these to support your request for additional resources. Use one successful department as a case study to empower others to step up, or to get budget decision-makers’ attention.


Be alert to pain points

Keep an ear out for issues or challenges where sound process management and Nintex Promapp could have helped to avoid costly mishaps, and use them to support your cause.


Stand strong from the bottom

Nintex Promapp is a tool built for everyone. It needs everyone’s buy-in and contribution before it can become part of business as usual. This journey is more likely to succeed if it’s driven and shaped by those working at the grass roots.


Inspire participation

Sometimes teams lack the motivation to participate in process improvement because they don’t see the value and aren’t incentivized. Look for ways to incorporate process improvement into professional development, weekly feedback loops and business as usual.


Show what’s in it for them

Show people how Nintex Promapp and clear processes can help them personally. Fewer interruptions? Clearer reports? Less conflict? A happier work environment, with less uncertainty? Demonstrate how all these things are within their reach with a few simple changes to their routine. For those people who really seem to get it, promote the prestige of being a Nintex Promapp champion and process expert, and get individual KPIs added. Staff will see this is important work that can get them ahead.

Step 3: Work smarter

Better resourcing isn’t always about hiring more people. It can be about finding more work hours within your current capacity. Think creatively and look for ways to free up more minutes in the day for process improvement:


Roster time away from your job to focus on process improvement, whether that’s weekly, monthly or quarterly. Half an hour per week spent on Nintex Promapp across a network of champions, owners and experts all adds up.


Add Nintex Promapp to the induction plans for new starters. And when someone hands in their notice, get them to update or document the processes they own, so that knowledge doesn’t leave with them.


Make sure you get people involved who are passionate about process and improvement, and who want to motivate others and build momentum.


Report on milestones to demonstrate achievement and instil focus in the people involved.


Some clients have capitalized on this resource to increase their rate of process mapping, all of which is overseen and checked by a trained permanent employee.


Create a training video or online course on how to use Nintex Promapp, to prevent spending hours on training or onboarding.


An efficient way to encourage feedback is to set a time in everyone’s calendar when champions can be available to deal with questions or challenges. Keep a record of questions – if there are common themes they can be covered in forums, so everyone can learn.


You may think you have a resourcing issue, but in reality employees may just not be engaged. Make participation easier: motivate them, and show them how their thinking about process improvement can move from ‘the too-hard basket’ to ‘this makes things easier for me’.

Step 4: Lay the groundwork for future resourcing

Thinking ahead about how process improvement with Nintex Promapp will be embedded into your employment culture is key to long-term success. Making this critical shift will require more than simply advocating for increased resourcing. Here’s what your organization can do to lay the groundwork for future success:


This is vital for successful process management in an organization. If you experience champion fatigue or a lull in momentum, you can keep people invigorated by rotating their roles. Invested volunteers will be far more influential and motivating than nominated individuals or people who simply inherited the role. If you don’t have a governance structure – or you did, but it’s fizzled out – now’s the time to reboot and rebuild.


Harness people who are passionate about process and could be effective advocates.

Ideal candidates should:

  • Have an ability to influence and motivate others
  • Show a good understanding of process management
  • Be enthusiastic self-starters
  • Believe in continuous improvement
  • Always look for ways to develop efficiency and optimize process
  • Be interested in learning new skills
  • Enjoy teaching others
  • Be looking for a challenge
  • Show leadership potential


Find efficient ways to bring people along for the ride. Many companies create a video with their CEO or executive sponsor introducing Nintex Promapp, and explaining its importance to the organization.

This is effective for a variety of reasons, including building momentum, showing managers that process improvement is a priority, and communicating expectations to new people during induction.

Embed an improvement culture with the right resources on board

To take your process improvement journey to the next level, start by researching which approach will work best for your organization.

That research often starts with understanding what will resonate with your decision makers. Then decide what combination of strategies will achieve the outcome you need. Although your campaign may begin with a compelling business case, your overall goal should be to nurture talent.

Amazing things can happen when you successfully integrate effective process improvement into teams’ everyday activity. People are inspired when they see a compelling picture of a future that includes improved efficiencies, growth in capability, happier staff and clients, improved opportunities to innovate and a sharper competitive edge for your business.

Find out more about Nintex Promapp

Nintex Promapp - The process platform teams love to use


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June 30th at 10 AM


Meet Nintex Promapp – Intuitive Process Management Tool

Join Promapp experts Andrew Murphy and Zvonimir Mavretić at the webinar and check out how Nintex Promapp brings the line of business into the digital transformation conversation, so IT can focus on developing systems, not managing data.