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How to justify investing in business content management tools?

If you are considering purchasing a business content management tool, one of the most important questions should be, “Can we justify the investment from a business perspective?” Keep in mind that company content management software can be expensive, so rationalise your investment with clear goals, such as return on investment and/or increased operational efficiency.

What is the value of business content?

We call business content all structured and unstructured data, documents, graphics, video and audio records, various databases, emails and all other information that passes through the organization. Due to the large amount of data, it is difficult to track and structure all the information.

For effective business content management, it is not enough to know how many documents are within the organization, but the overall content of each individual document is also important. A key role here is played by the ECM, whose main task is to digitize content, make it accessible, manage it and distribute it securely.

What is ECM?

ECM (Enterprise content management) is a strategy that combines different IT technologies, tools and methods that serve to enter, manage, store, keep and share content throughout the organization. Its key task is to connect information and related business processes through a single platform and ensure operational benefits.

There are nine basic areas/opportunities that ECM deals with:

  1. Business process management
  2. Digitization and content production
  3. Document management
  4. Collaboration on documents
  5. Records management
  6. Web content management
  7. Electronic forms
  8. Digital asset management
  9. Content Search

How can ECM help you?

Imagine that all the information and all the documents are nicely arranged, structured and accessible to everyone according to the defined access rights, and that the information or document can be reached with the help of one word through a search engine. This is where all the power of the ECM system lies, whose goal is for companies to operate more efficiently and with better quality. ECM allows you to:

  • Manage your documents – the ECM solution will allow you to manage documents completely and securely, from creation to destruction. All documents should be centralized, interconnected and organized in a way that is easily accessible and easy to search.
  • Reduce operating costs – the ECM solution will eliminate the costs of printing, delivering and saving paper as your content will be stored digitally. You will shorten the time required for data entry, preparation of documentation.
  • Introduce document control – the ECM solutions make it easy to enforce your security rules when monitoring all document activities. Allows you to report changes as well as audit information. There is no need to worry about document retention periods, as your ECM solution will automate the retention time of each individual document.
  • Increase the employee as well as the user satisfaction – by automating traditional paperwork and other administrative tasks, you will provide your employees with easy access to the necessary information, facilitate the distribution of documentation and improve cooperation as well as faster and better customer service.

Those organizations that introduce control over business content

will enable their employees to be more productive, make it easier to work with documents, speed up business processes and harmonize business with various regulations.

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